Posted 2024/7/28
First of all, this is my very first blog post!! I'm excited to keep posting here from now on!!
In other news, in just over 3 weeks, I will have started college exactly a year ago, and... wow. I honestly can't believe it. It feels so normal to me now, with how everything works. The ability to skip class whenever you want, eat whenever and wherever you want, eat out any day, professors cancelling classes when they can't make it, I love all these changes to my day to day life, and I'm used to this new sort of way of life I've had the past year.
And yet, it feels like it only just started. It's such a weird juxtaposition, it's kind of jarring to even think about. It's weirder to me that, if everything goes as planned, I'm over one third of the way through.
I'd be lying if I said I wasnt at least a little worried about my future after graduation!! ^^_^^" But I have a couple years to figure it out, and I'll have gained more experience by then, so I dont think it's that big of a deal? At least I hope?
No matter what, I'll keep trying to take everything day by day! Otherwise I think I'd go insane. XX3